Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2 weeks ago

2 weeks and 1 day ago, Darby and I went to my routine doctor's appointment and were surprised to come out with an induction scheduled for the next day (my due date). That was not how I had hoped things would work out, but I was excited to know we would be meeting our little boy soon.

After Darby's departmental Christmas party the night before the induction. 39 weeks 6 days pregnant.
2 weeks ago, we got up at 3:30 a.m., after very little sleep, and headed to the hospital to start the induction process.
The morning of the induction. I think my facial expression perfectly captures my emotions. I'm trying to be excited, but I'm mainly nervous and scared. And really, really tired.
We thought we'd be meeting our little boy 2 weeks ago today. I was pleased with the idea of him being born on his due date. But, he had other plans. After 24 hours of labor, Jonas David Hewitt entered the world on December 19 at 6:07 a.m. Much to everyone's shock, he weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. and was 21 in. long. We had known he was big, but no one thought he was that big. I won't post all of the details of his birth story here. But I did type it up for my own memory. If you're interested in reading a loooong story, I'm happy to share it with you.

Our sweet big boy. The labor was difficult but totally worth it to get him here.

Darby holding him shortly after birth. The pictures of me holding him right after birth will never see the light of day. :) I see all of these beautiful pictures of moms looking tired but radiant holding their seconds-old babies. I look much more ragged in my photos. And while I certainly look happy, the primary emotions are exhaustion and relief.

All ready to go home from the hospital. He wasn't sure what to think about his car seat. We went home on Friday around noon. I was so ready to be done with the IV and the constant interruptions for blood pressure checks, instructions, medication, etc. 
It's hard to believe how much life has changed in 2 weeks.We're getting settled into life as a family of 3. Jonas is an incredibly easygoing little guy who really only fusses when he's hungry and sleeps in decent 3-hour stretches. Even so, it's a pretty big adjustment.

Darby and I might be biased, but we think he's the cutest baby we've ever seen. Every little facial expression and noise is cause for exclamation. I just can't get over the fact that this little person was living inside me. It seems impossible.

His arrival was nothing like I had intended or expected, but I couldn't be happier that he's here. 

1 comment:

Kalyn Gensic said...

I want the whole loooong story! Send it to me if you don't mind. So glad he is here, and he really is an exceptionally adorable baby! BJ even said he was a cute baby when he first saw the pics on Facebook. I was sad we couldn't make it by Abilene during our Christmas travels, but I'm going to find a way to get there in February when I visit my parents.